New Adventure for Educating Cancer Superheroes Worldwide

Today is a brand new day. A new day to embrace so many wonderful things. People…how I love people and helping people. Each day I realize it is the core of who I am and the core of my life’s purpose. I understand it is why the cancer developed in my life. There is a higher calling coming from it that God has asked me to serve. I don’t always know what that entails and sometimes I get lost in the fear of it all, but I am becoming more comfortable with it each day. For the past 14 years, cancer has been a blessing because of that calling. For months now, God has nudged me ever so gently about starting a radio show for people with cancer looking for answers. The time is now.

Tonight starts a new business venture for Natural Cancer Girl. An internet-based talk radio show called WeB9 Cancer Talk. This show is all about you. You know who you are. You are the ones with cancer who understand that somehow, somewhere the immune system got a kink in it, which allowed the cancer to grow.  You understand that we all have cancer cells in us, but it’s the ones with compromised immune systems that get the full blown cancer. This show is about educating you about naturopathic medicine and how it can be used to upregulate your system, get to the root cause and work beautifully with conventional chemotherapy and radiation to help you heal on a whole body basis.

Over time, we are going to talk about environmental influences, nutrition, emotions, spirituality, quiet time, support systems with worldwide experts who have years of experience with cancer. This show isn’t focused on one type of cancer, it’s focus is on one type of answer – integrative cancer care. Yes, this show is about solutions, not the problem. We know the problem. We’ve journeyed with it whether it be for a day, week, month, year or years. Education is the only way to become empowered on this journey. The more empowered you become, the more you embrace your inner cancer superhero. A cancer superhero knows about the disease, knows about the options, and knows how to choose the treatment that is right for him or her. WeB9 Cancer Talk is just one more tool you can put in your superhero belt to help you on this journey.

Tonight we are going to learn about the basics of naturopathic medicine.  What it is, why it’s important, how it can help, and what makes it a legimate profession. Dr. Raffaella Marcantonio, ND from Natural Health Choices in Buffalo, NY will be the guest. If you can’t listen in live from 6-7 pm PDT on then be sure to listen to the archived copy. It will also be on iTunes within the week.

WeB9 Cancer Talk Radio show

Love and Healing Cancer Superheroes,

Natural Cancer Girl, Diane

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