Focus Returning thanks to Neurofeedback

(This post was written Monday, February 22)
It’s been an interesting couple of weeks with all this focus on my brain. In my previous post, I wrote about what neurofeedback is and how it helps the brain restore function after chemotherapy.

It’s amazing to see the shifts occurring in my day-to-day activities that are a result of the neurofeedback sessions. It’s not like I can do something I’ve never done before, but it is helping me get back to the productive and focused Diane. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that Diane.

Here’s an example that happened today. My main task was to complete several hours of bookkeeping for my business and taxes. Two weeks ago, I would have reacted by finding other things to do, getting frustrated, feeling overwhelmed and scattered as I attempted the task

Today I woke up, ate breakfast and went straight to work. At one point, I realized I never even brought my water into my office yet I kept going deciding I could get it later. Four hours later I emerged with the task 100% complete! The sense of accomplishment I had was like none other.

I also find myself eager to get to work each day. My days consist of writing, emailing, phone conversations, and several client sessions. Neurofeedback gives my brain the tools it needs to get back to working properly. So much has come from these sessions with the most important being focus.

In talking with Sue, I made the assumption that something major must have changed in my brain waves, but she corrected me to say sometimes it’s just a minor tweak that makes all the difference. Now isn’t that true with everything in life? Most of the time just a slight shift in perception changes everything.

Today I have another session. I love my time there. I put on headsets, listen to cool brain wave music and relax, meditate and play brain boosting games. I’m grateful to have met Sue and experienced such great results to neurofeedback. I have my brain back. As my husband would say, “I’m operating on all cylinders again.”

Be sure to check out if you are frustrated by chemo brain.